
I've recently started getting into some discussions on twitter where unschoolers have been arguing with non-unschoolers in ways that feel like we are talking past each other.

The name of this blog is deliberately ambiguous. I would like some space to have more careful and thoughtful discussion with people of good intentions who are vigorously challenging unschooling on a number of fronts.

But I would also like some space to dig into the challenges that can arise while unschooling. We'll see which dominates.

While reflecting on some of the conversations that have been nagging at me, I came up with the following principles that it seems like everyone involved shared:

  • All children have a right to an education, and access to humanities shared cultural heritage
  • The U.S. has extreme disparity in access to opportunity along many axes, but especially race and class
If you feel that those points are premises you hold when considering the fate of universal education, I would welcome your participation here. Please argue in good faith, and assume that your interlocutors are doing so as well.


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